Consequent upon the decision taken by the Governing Body of the CBSE the examination from Academic Year 2017-18 onwards would be conducted as per the remodeled assessment structure explained below:

- The school would conduct three periodic written tests in the entire academic year and the average of the best two will be taken.
- The gradually increasing portion of contents would prepare students acquire confidence for appearing in the examination with 100% syllabus.
- Notebook Submission (5% marks):
Notebook submission as a part of internal assessment is aimed at enhancing seriousness of students towards preparing notes for the topic being taught in the classroom as well as assignments. This also addresses the critical aspect or regularity punctuality neatness and notebook upkeep
4.Subject Enrichment Activities (5% marks) :
a. These are subject specific application activities aimed at enrichment of the understanding and skill development,
b. effective speaking and listening skills,
c. laboratory activities and projects,
d. Map and project work
5. Co-Scholastic Activities :
School would promote co-curricular activities for the holistic development of the student. These activities will be graded on a 5-point grading scale (A to E) and will have no descriptive indicators. No upscaling of grade will be done. This will include:-
a.Work Education or Pre-Vocational Education
b.Art Education
c. Health & Physical Education
d. (Sports / Martial Arts / Yoga / NCC etc.)
6. Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values):
a. Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character. Sincerity good behaviour and values develop strength and foster unity and co-operation. Therefore the element of discipline has been introduced. Class teacher will be responsible for grading the students on a Five-point scale (A to E).
b.The internal assessment comprising 20 marks (10+5+5) entails objectivity and a structured approach. For a holistic assessment, the teachers are expected to make it and effective tool.
7. Results
Results will be declared in the last week of March every year after the students have cleared all the dues.
8.Withholding of the result
a. The result may be withheld on the following grounds:
b. If the dues are not cleared or the attendance is less than 75%
c. If any disciplinary action is taken against the student.
d. If the T.C. of the last school is not submitted till the date.